Thursday, January 04, 2007

Those Troublesome Numbers--Rising But Still "Normal"

I managed to get through our snow-packed streets last week and saw Dr. Rifkin for my monthly checkup. Everything fine at the checkup, white count, hematocrit and platelets are all good. Returned yesterday to get 4 immunization shots due to the fact that my transplant wiped out most of my immunizations, like diphtheria, tetanus, Hepatitus. I also picked up my myeloma numbers: IGGs are at 1433, up from 1207 last month. Still in the "normal" range, but I personally don't like the drifting upward. That being said, the doctor has not said this is a trend or that treatment will soon be resumed. We'll just wait to see what next month's numbers show.

So we are once again challenged in our mental discipline. We really can't contemplate returning to the chemo, whether it's the 'roid rage, the fatigue, the shooting pains, the insatiable appetite or some other unpleasant aspect of treatment. This respite has felt so good and given us a taste of the normal. Of course, we want it to continue. So we steel our minds to stay in present, to enjoy each day, and not to stray forward or to indulge in the anxieties and worries of what might be coming. Today we are happy. Isn't that all that matters?

We had a fabulous holiday. We hooked up with Julia on 12/22 on our way to the Broadmoor for our second annual respite in honor of Susan's birthday. We indulged ourselves with food, relaxation and a trip to the spa. Christmas was fairly low key but very relaxing as was the whole holiday season. Julia is home until Jan. 20th. Catherine continues to love her job and I will soon be moving into a different line of work--mediation, as it does not appear I will be able to do the work of a trial lawyer. Those plans are in the works and should be up and running in about a month or so.

We failed to get our Christmas, New Year's, or Holiday letter out this year, for the second year in a row. But I feel that we have stayed in touch with all our friends and you are fully up to speed on this past year's events. We are happy to be bringing in a new year and to see this past year in our rear view mirror. We continue to be thankful for the support of family and friends and are truly enjoying each day. We wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.


Big Frank Dickinson said...

I am glad to hear that you are still able to get out and about in all that snow. I understand your concern about the numbers - even if it's not a trend it sure would be nice to see the non-trend go the other way. I like your new year's message to BE- it is all about that. I'm glad you had a good holiday with your family. My wishes for a great 2007.


shawnandjaike said...

I love the pictures. Great addition to the blog. I miss the snow here in NC, Jaike says he does not!
We wish you all the best you can BE in 2007.
Love to you all.