Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Day Off

This is my day of recovery after 5 days of high dose chemo. This morning they removed the bag of chemo and saline I've been toting around for the last 5 days. Also, no more infusions or oral chemo (including steroids). Tomorrow I have the transplant. They will give me back my stem cells. The procedure is very much like a blood transfusion. It will take about 30 minutes for the transplant, which is then monitored for a few hours. Then assuming everything goes well, I walk out of the clinic. The next week or two we then go in to the clinic every day for lab work and to watch as my white cells and platelets drop from the chemo, then recover from the stem cells I received. I guess you can say we're on our way. Finally. Without the steroids I'm expecting to crash in the next few days, as that certainly has been the pattern over the past several years. I think Susan will be spending more time at the library across the street (hiding out). Thanks again for all your love and support.


Seal Family said...

Have a great Easter and Susan enjoy "hiding out" from the world. Love to you all. The Seals'

Big Frank Dickinson said...

Welcome home those errant stem cells of yours - they are probably as happy to be back in you as you are that the chemo BEAM infusion is over.

Love, Tom

Doug English said...

Hi Dan! I know you can't recognize my voice as you always have by phone, but this is your old friends, Doug and Tana. We got your blog from Carrie Frank and Beth Klein, as we had a meeting with them today. We want you to know that we think of you often and can't wait until you return to Denver so we can take you out for a steak! Reading about your latest treatments prove that you are a very busy man. Here's always wishing you the best!! Good luck in your most recent recovery. If you ever have time to drop us a note, our email address is Take care!

Unknown said...

Dan, we are all squishing our energy together and sending you the biggest hug you can imagine. You have so many people rooting for you! All the folks at CaridianBCT and CH2M Hill have been asking me for reports on you and they are all thinking of you and pulling for you. I hope you can feel the positive energy being sent your way - you have a regular army here in Denver cheering you on! We all miss you and Susan and can't wait to welcome you home. Tell those stem cells we said they better behave!


Joni and The LLS crew

sigun said...

Dear Dan,

Today is the day. They are not only rooting for you in Denver, but in Paris as well! Bises, Sigun.

Nick said...

Big day for us both tomorrow, pal. I get my transplant at 1PM. See you on the 7th floor -- here's to smooth sailing for us both!

nollyposh said...

Hi Dan X:-) i have just popped over from your brothers blog to wish you all the very best with your treatment
Good Luck and i hope your Easter is a peaceful one X:-) Vicki

Renee said...

Dan I am sending you all the best kind of energy. Nothing negative in it.

My prayers are with you and remember to just keep breathing.

Renee xoxo

Molly T. said...

We are thinking about you and sending Love!
-Molly and Dan

Brother Ted said...

I hope they distilled those stem cells down to the best and strongest. I hope that you will get a lot of rest in the coming weeks and that your visits to the clinic will be short and sweet. The thoughts, prayers, positive energy, chants, and anything else that has a loving and spiritual value are being sent your way from all over the world. May they all contribute to your healing