Saturday, January 02, 2010

The Blue Moon

Perhaps you had the good fortune to see the beautiful full moon two nights ago. This was the second full moon in a month and thereby earned the title of "blue moon". This occurs about every 2 to 3 years. The next time the blue moon will fall on New Year's Eve, however, is December 31, 2028. The moon reminded me of one of my favorite songs by Van Morrison. Part of the lyrics are set forth below:

Once every once in a while
Something comes along that feels just right
Once every once in a while
Just like switching on an electric light
And sometimes you try till you're blue in the face
But when you get that feeling
Nothing's going to take its place

Once in a blue moon
There's a thing called happiness
It happens when you're in
A state of natural grace

When the wind is blowing
All around the fence
I get that happy feeling
Things start making sense
All just feels so lucky
That you just can't go wrong
Once in a blue moon
Someone like you comes along

Once in a blue moon
There's a thing called happiness
It happens when you're in
A state of natural grace.

It's a great tune. And I wish for all of my friends that you find happiness more frequently than every blue moon. It's there for the taking, this I know. Much love to all of you for the new year.


Steven L. Ritter said...


A little Van Morrison never hurt anyone...

Happy new year....

sigun said...

Dear Dan,

I loved the words of that song. Have never heard it. Promise to play it for me when we see you next summer?!
Bonne Annee!! Bises, Sigun.